The Peaceful Eater
Binge Eating Breakthrough
Am I a Binge Eater?

Am I a Binge Eater?

Is it important to know whether or not I'm a binge eater?

Have you ever wondered if you are a binge eater? It's a question I get quite a bit. Whether you know for sure you are a binge eater or if you are curious if what you do with food would be considered binge eating, there is something in this episode of the Binge Breakthrough podcast for you.

Tune in to discover what your thoughts are about being a binge eater and what is more important than any label or distinction. Get curious about the energy behind your eating behavior and see if you can tune in and connect with the part of you that wants to binge or eat in secret sometimes.

Episode Referenced: Getting to Know the Part That Wants to Binge

Resource: What is Binge Eating?

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Thank you for listening to The Binge Breakthrough Podcast – your personal guide to breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck in the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, or emotional eating.

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The Peaceful Eater
Binge Eating Breakthrough
The Binge Eating Breakthrough Podcast is for anyone looking to break through the cycle of binge eating, compulsive overeating, emotional eating and food addiction. No matter how long you’ve struggled or how many things you’ve tried, you will learn the strategies, tools and mindset you need to find peace with food. Episodes cover topics such as understanding the root causes of binge eating, practical strategies for managing triggers, and inspiring stories of recovery to help you finally create lasting freedom in a new way.
Whether you're struggling with binge eating yourself or seeking to support a loved one on their journey to recovery, the Binge Eating Breakthrough podcast offers valuable insights, and expert advice to guide you toward freedom from disordered eating habits.
Discover the tools, resources, and encouragement you need to break free from the cycle of binge eating and embrace a way of eating that is nourishing, supportive, and sustainable.
Master Certified Coach Jane Pilger's approach is rooted in the science of the brain and body, trauma-informed, and filled with compassion. Tune in every Wednesday for a new perspective you may have never heard of before.