One of my favorite sayings is this: what you focus on expands. This is always true, but we aren’t always intentional about what we are focusing on. Left to its own devices, the brain will naturally focus on what is wrong or missing.
We can shift this by intentionally choosing our focus. This is important every day, but especially as we enter Thanksgiving week and upcoming time with family and friends.
Where we direct our attention shapes not just what we see, but what grows in our lives.
Shifting the Lens
For many of us, this week naturally draws our focus to food anxiety, body concerns, and family tensions. Our minds might fixate on avoiding certain dishes or managing others' comments about our eating. But these focuses only magnify our struggles, leaving us blind to the moments of connection and joy happening right beside us.
Choosing a New View
This week, I invite you to experiment with redirecting your attention. Instead of rehearsing food rules, could you notice the warmth in your grandmother's smile? Rather than counting calories, could you count moments of genuine connection? When you start looking for glimpses of joy and acceptance, you might be surprised by how many you've been missing.
Your capacity for gratitude hasn't disappeared, even if it feels buried under layers of food stress. It's still there, waiting to be discovered through a shifted focus. Maybe it starts with appreciating your morning coffee, or noticing the way the sunlight comes into your home at a certain time of day.
Focusing on what's missing won't help you see what's already here. But acknowledging what's present – even in the smallest ways – opens your eyes to possibilities you might have overlooked.
Wishing you moments of discovery and peace this Thanksgiving week.
What would you like to focus on this week? Share in the comments below.
Are you anticipating family conflict this holiday season? Be sure to check out this special teaching for an easy and impactful way to turn your triggers into triumph.
Subscribe to the Peaceful Eater for resources and support for your journey with food.
I was fine yesterday I focused on family and love and gratitude for each and every one of them. So….. did not focus on food!!!
Being selective and intentional choosing what goes on my Thanksgiving plate!
Intentional conversation- asking others to share a thought with me!
Carrying this focus with me into my tomorrow(s)!