
Holiday Family Triggers: The Solution You Never Saw Coming

A Playful Approach to Those Predictable Holiday Moments

It’s Coming…

You can feel it in your body already - that familiar tension as holiday gatherings approach. The dread of those inevitable comments that seem designed to push your buttons. Maybe it's your aunt's running commentary on what's on your plate, or the annual discussion of who's gained or lost weight since last year. Perhaps it's the well-meaning but painful suggestions about New Year's diets, or the pressure to take seconds when you've already said no.

The Disconnect

Those predictable moments that disconnect you from yourself - they're almost here. The ones that usually leave you retreating to the bathroom to collect yourself, or reaching for comfort later when no one's watching, or lying awake that night replaying everything in your head. And while other family dynamics might add to the stress, it's often those predictable comments that hit hardest.

What if…

But what if I told you there was a way to not just survive these triggering moments, but to actually look forward to them? What if each potentially uncomfortable comment could become a step toward victory instead of a source of shame?

A Different Way

I've discovered a powerful strategy that transforms those dreaded holiday moments into opportunities for triumph. It's more than just a coping technique; it's a complete reframe of how we experience challenging situations with family.

Ready to transform your holiday experience? Upgrade to a paid subscription to access the full teaching and downloadable materials.

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